Yoga for Patients and Doctors

Yoga is well-known for its fitness benefits, at least in the Western world. Traditionally, however, this ancient practice is a holistic process, improving both the mind and the body. It is no wonder that some doctors are prescribing yoga therapy for their patients. However, yoga can also be used to bolster your own health. Some CME cruises utilize onboard yoga sessions for their guest physicians, as part of theri onboard health and fitness program.

Yoga and Patients

Certain hospitals have begun recommending yoga therapy for their patients, such as the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. The stances (asanas) and breathing exercises that are used in yoga are simple, yet this simplicity makes it easier for patients to follow. Yoga results in balanced metabolism, improved respiration, and cardio, increased muscle and reimbursed vitality. 

Much has been said about yoga’s effects on mental health, yet despite documented improvements on patient self-efficacy, a conclusive approval of yoga as a curative treatment is yet to be determined. According to a short summary of yoga-based reviews published in, while yoga therapy is beneficial as an additive to proper medication, a more thorough study of its mental benefits is required.

Yoga and Doctors 

With that said, yoga can also be recommended to physicians in need of physical fitness. According to an article published in the National Center of Biotechnology website, doctors that are physically fit give a good example to their patients, and positively influence them to live healthier. Practicing yoga can encourage patients to try yoga therapy (assuming that it is recommended. Nonetheless, practicing yoga for your own benefit will provide a good example to your patients regardless). The specific maneuvers of yoga are not as physically taxing as a regular gym workout, but with continued practice, one can reap its practical benefits.


There are many ways to heal your patients, but the first step to being a better healer is to heal yourself. Yoga aboard Healthy MD CME can facilitate that, and can also provide other fitness and health-boosting exercises.


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